YET. The commentary section is based on an old, old text and needs to be completely rewritten and revised with both more current thought and better attribution of the works of Karl Marx.
To make this very clear: when I can sift through much
better works on Marx, I will update this page! Reading Marx, not those
claiming to be “Marxists” would definitely help students realize that what
is called Marxism is really a myriad of philosophies and theories, some
not remotely related to the original words of Marx.
1818 | Born. |
1841 | Receives Ph.D. from University of Jena. |
1848 | Writes Manifesto of the Communist Party. |
1883 | Dies. |
- Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Essay: 1844
- Theses on Feuerbach, Essay: 1845
- The German Ideology, Essays: 1845-1846
Written with Friedrich Engels - The Poverty of Philosophy, Essay: 1847
- Manifesto of the Communist Party, Essay: 1848
Written with Friedrich Engels - Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Essay: 1859
- Das Kapital, Essays: 1867. 1885, 1895
- Critique of the Gotha Program, Essay: 1875
The philosophy of Karl Marx begins with the writings of Georg
Hegel, then eliminates the religious aspects of Hegel’s teachings. During the later years of Hegel’s life, students of his philosophy split into two well-defined groups. This split became more pronounced following Hegel’s death in 1831. The two divisions are known as the Hegelian Right, which follows Hegel’s belief in a supreme deity, and the Hegelian Left, represented by Marx and other atheists.
The Hegelian Left had a significant role in shaping world history and
modern philosophies. Marx believed, as did Hegel, that a constitutional
monarchy was the supreme form of government. This belief evolved into the
idea of a one-party government of the proletariat.
The philosophy of Marx is known as Dialectical Materialism, or Diamat.
Marx claimed that because his theories were based upon the phenomenal world,
as described by Hegel, his idea of Communistic Socialism was a scientific
model. While scholars would now argue that there is little science behind
Marxism, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries this
claim gave Marx near-instant credibility with many intellectuals. Given
the popularity of Darwin and Evolutionary Naturalism, Marx knew he had
to present Communistic Socialism as part of a natural cycle in human societal
Diamat begins with the Hegelian Dialetic. Marx believed that two socio-economic
groups were thesis and antithesis: the bourgeoisie (those who control property
or goods) and the proletariat (the workers serving the more powerful).
The constant conflict between the interests of these two classes defines
how a society is constructed. Marx explained that Capitalism is not the
only society model with two classes — almost every societal form has two
classes, even Communistic Socialism in which there are still men in charge
of the distribution of goods.
According to Marx, a truly classless society should be the goal of Communistic
Socialism. In the final evolutionary stage, all means of production would
be owned by the workers, and all individuals would be workers. The inherent
problem, recognized by Marx late in his life, was that not all workers
are or can be valued equally in a society. Those who own or possess knowledge,
not necessarily the means of production, have the real power in advanced
societies. Examples of knowledge brokers include doctors and scientists.
The theories of Marx still hold value, however, because he sought to explain
the evolution of the State. It is easy to dismiss Marx, but his basic theory
is logical: When the means of production become too concentrated, a revolution
occurs during which the middle classes advance while the bourgeoisie and
proletariat engage in conflict. If a violent enough conflict would occur,
the result would be a complete lack of class divisions for a period of
Marx theorized that under Capitalism, the means of production would result
in the most violent of revolutions, resulting in the ideal classless, Communist
State. Marx defined the Communist State as a nation with “common ownership
of the means of production” — public ownership of farms, factories,
raw materials, et cetera. Again, Marx forgot that some select group would
still retain the knowledge necessary for production and those individuals,
the State Planners, would become a new bourgeoisie.
Ten Measures of Reform
Marx and Friedrich Engels collaborated on the Manifesto of the Communist
Party, a simplified explanation of their theories. The manifesto features ten reforms meant to move a society closer to the ideal Communist State.
- Abolition of real estate rights.
- Progressive income taxation.
- Abolition of inheritance rights.
- Confiscation of all properties belonging to enemies of Communism.
- Nationalization of banking.
- State ownership of the media.
- State production planning.
- Equal obligation of all individuals to work.
- Abolition of the distinction between town and country via state-mandated
population distribution. - Free education.
Again, the two authors of the manifesto failed to recognize, until much
later in their lives, that any State features a set of individuals with
the ultimate control of goods and services. As long as even one person
is more important than anyone else, there is no Communistic Socialism.
Existentialism & Communism
Among the intellectuals influenced by Marx were many of the French Existentialists.
These philosophers believed that Communism held the promise of true individual
freedom. When individuals were free of management concerns and other worries,
they would be truly free to grow.
The political existentialists, such as Sartre, believed that the demands
upon men to work and follow orders contributed to their suffering. Camus,
likewise, believed that workers were exploited and suffering. Communism
promised to reduce the exploitation of workers. By implementing scientific
production plans, more people would be free to pursue other, higher pursuits,
such as the arts.
Marx believed that human morality was determined by the social structure
of the State. Since the social structure was based upon the control of
material goods, economics determine morality. In other words, morality
is determined by the means of production and distribution.
Industry, according to Marx, was the highest form of human endeavor, producing
the goods that support real material needs. The Communist State is therefore
superior because it controls the production for all citizens. Because the
State is in charge of production, it is also in charge of morality.
Existentialists believe that man is constantly defining himself. Marx
believed that the State was constantly defining itself and its residents.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the
point, however, is to change it.
Human essence has no true reality.
Novack, George Edward; Existentialism
Versus Marxism: Conflicting Views on Humanism (New York,: Dell, 1966)